Copal knows its special energy-purifying attribute

- Get to know Copal -

The historical origin of the Copal

El copal es una resina que se obtiene de distintos árboles o arbustos que pertenecen al género de Bursera.

Copal is a resin which is obtained from different trees or shrubs which belong to the genus of Bursera. This resin originates from the American continent. Since ancient times it has been used in the field of medicine and in spiritual acts. Its smoke was used by the different American civilisations as a offering to their deitiesand for to alleviate various physical and spiritual problems. Known as contact us (white god), because of the colour of the smoke it gives off. Today these uses are still common in the traditional indigenous medicineand for spiritual uses. Today this resin is used in the Mexican tradition of the Day of the Dead.

- Get to know Copal -

The historical origin of the Copal

Copal is a resin which is obtained from different trees or shrubs which belong to the genus of Bursera. This resin originates from the American continent. Since ancient times it has been used in the field of medicine and in spiritual acts. Its smoke was used by the different American civilisations as a offering to their deitiesand for to alleviate various physical and spiritual problems. 

El copal es una resina que se obtiene de distintos árboles o arbustos que pertenecen al género de Bursera.

Known as contact us (white god), because of the colour of the smoke it gives off. Today these uses are still common in the traditional indigenous medicineand for spiritual uses. Today this resin is used in the Mexican tradition of the Day of the Dead.

2.- How to take advantage of Copal's benefits

How to take advantage of
the benefits
of the Copal

2.1- Traditional use of Copal resin

Copal has been used traditionally by burning this resin on embers or charcoals, and receiving the smoke that it gives off in order to purify, protect and bless. It was frequently used in ceremonies to give thank you, to protect places and people, to clean rooms, to clean up y delete any type of negative energies. The properties of copal provide protection and harmonyIt is a powerful vibration that removes any bad vibration and/or transforms it into a positive vibration. Acts on the system limbic brainwhich manages our emotional responses. Its use connects us with meditative states, improving our concentration y stimulating our creativity. 

You can buy at our online shop of essences this resin in the following link.

El copal se ha utilizado de forma tradicional quemando esta resina sobre brasas o carboncillos, y recibiendo el humo que desprende con el fin de purificar, proteger y bendecir.

Traditional use
of Copal resin

Copal has been used traditionally by burning this resin on embers or charcoals, and receiving the smoke that it gives off in order to purify, protect and bless. It was frequently used in ceremonies to give thank you, to protect places and people, to clean rooms, to clean up y delete any type of negative energies. 

El copal se ha utilizado de forma tradicional quemando esta resina sobre brasas o carboncillos, y recibiendo el humo que desprende con el fin de purificar, proteger y bendecir.

The properties of copal provide protection and harmonyIt is a powerful vibration that removes any bad vibration and/or transforms it into a positive vibration. Acts on the system limbic brainwhich manages our emotional responses. Its use connects us with meditative states, improving our concentration y stimulating our creativity. 

You can buy at our online shop of essences the resin of copal in this link.

2.2- Enjoying the properties of Copal in incense

Due to its uses therapeutic copal is widely used in aromatherapy. Copal incense has all the qualities of aharacteristics of organic copal used in purifications, rituals and energetic cleansing. This incense has a pleasant, clean, fresh and woody aroma. It has multiple properties, among them it stands out for its effect relaxing, clears the mind and is of great useful for meditation. In addition to this it is an incredible expectorantwhich eliminates mucus and phlegm.
You can buy this incense in our online shop of incense in this link.

unidad Banjara etnico copal maya incienso organico hecho a mano inciensoshop tantra press portada

Enjoying the
properties of the
Copal in incense

Due to its uses therapeutic copal is widely used in aromatherapy. Copal incense has all the qualities of aharacteristics of organic copal used in purifications, rituals and energetic cleansing. This incense has a pleasant, clean, fresh and woody aroma.

Debido a sus usos terapéuticos el copal es ampliamente utilizado en aromaterapia.

It has multiple properties, among them it stands out for its effect relaxing, clears the mind and is of great useful for meditation. In addition to this it is an incredible expectorantwhich eliminates mucus and phlegm.
You can buy this incense in our online shop of incense in this link.

3.- Main properties and characteristics of the Copal tree

Main properties and characteristics of Copal

  • Copal has the characteristic of eliminating phlegm and cleansing the respiratory tract.
  • It has the ability to relieve insomnia and helps us to sleep soundly.
  • Another of its virtues is its ability to relieve headaches and migraines.
  • It is also very suitable for studying as it boosts our concentration.
  • It is a great help in calming us down, and also reduces and mitigates the effects of stress.
  • It is used in purification and cleansing rituals to eliminate negative energies.
  • Copal has the characteristic of eliminating phlegm and cleansing the respiratory tract.

  • It has the ability to relieve insomnia and helps us to sleep soundly.

  • Another of its virtues is its ability to relieve headaches and migraines.

  • It is also very suitable for relaxation and concentration.

  • Finally, it helps to mitigate and reduce the effects of stress by calming us down.

  • It is used in purification and cleansing rituals to release negative energies.

Copal and its formidable benefits

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