It is known that the origin of the Eggs Yoni dates back to the times of the Ancient ChinaThe emperor's concubines used this practice, and were known as the best mistresses of the empire.

The techniques of use and materials have varied over time, but these eggs retain their oval shape. carved by hand. They consist of precious or semi-precious stones such as jade, amethyst, obsidian, quartz, etc.


Ancient China




Minerals and mineraloids


Mandelbrot Mythical Eggs Origin Yoni Inciensoshop

Primarily, the purpose of the use of yoni eggs, from the very beginning of their practice, was to connect with the essence of your beingpromoting self-exploration and self-knowledge of the pleasure y self-respect of each.

Likewise, the yoni eggs are a proposal for the personal search therapieswhere listening to oneself and the empowerment are key to achieving the benefits it can bring you.

Therefore, the practice should not be carried out crudely, as the most important thing is that you develop awareness of your body, focusing on your sexual health.


The use of the yoni egg brings a considerable increase in libido, confidence and self-esteem. However, on a physical level it helps to increase the blood flow in the pelvis, as well as toning the vaginal walls and therefore improving sensitivity during intimate relations.

As it helps to improve the internal muscles, it also allows for greater control over urinary continence.

If you are interested in this information about the origin of the Yoni Eggswe recommend you to follow the guide that we leave you at this link to maintain a cleaning and energy recharging correct. Y this link in order to be able to apply your egg correctly.
However, if you don't count with your Yoni Egg and what you have read interests you, we invite you to check out our yoni egg catalogue with this other link.

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